Zeppelin Silo- und Apparatetechnik GmbH

Zeppelin Silo- und Apparatetechnik GmbH

Business Description:

Machinery Designing and Processing, Electric Shavers, Service Projects, Single-purpose machines

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Zeppelin Silo- und Apparatetechnik GmbH




Company Head Office:

Zeppelin Silo- und Apparatetechnik GmbH
Leutholdstr. 108
880 45

Bundling presses

Bundling presses are designed to easily reduce a volume of waste, ration 10:1. Materials such as paper, cardboard, film, PET bottles can be pressed. The bundling presses are easy to use and will ensure a clean and well-arranged workplace.

Laundry chutes

Laundry chutes are practical facilities transporting laundry economically and quickly from each floor to a storage room in the basement. Laundry chutes are mainly used in hospitals, hotels, nursing homes, family houses and the like.

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GermanyTrade > Hardware and Machinery > Machinery Designing and Processing > Zeppelin Silo- und Apparatetechnik GmbH